Our Services
FinTech Plus Ltd take care of structured and non-structured data and we turn them to precious information. We are proficient in generating information as well as we can manage them on behalf of you.
We provide IT support to financial institutions on onsite resources, and we arrange periodic visits and also remote support services. We are dedicated project managers and program managers giving IT consultancy services to small and medium size projects.
We provide external IT audit to cover all IT functions viz; backup, BCP/DR, data center, connectivity and fall back options, vulnerability testing, application and BCP and logical /physical access control. In software development field, we can provide bespoke software development, existing banking applications, and website development and web designing. In IT hardware and software sales, you can purchase from us Microsoft licensing, Office 365, Microsoft Azure, Amazon web services, Dell, HP, Cisco, Lenova, antivirus software and encryption software. In hosted telephony, we can provide VOIP systems and hosted telephone platforms. All range of our products and services include the following